Untitled Folder Wallet - First Impressions
I was scrolling through Twitter and came across this wallet that I just had to have. I mean, what could be cooler than a wallet shaped like a Mac folder? The price was pretty steep at $60, but it truly is a unique product that you won’t find anywhere else. The FOMO in me picked it up immediately, but now you can get it for $50.
It comes in a pretty unassuming box with San Francisco font, and the wallet inside is in a plastic sleeve, nothing else. Pretty basic packaging. The wallet itself though is made very well and would make an Apple designer pleased, minus the fact that it is made of vegan leather. The surfaces have a nice even texture and the inner lining is smooth. There is no spot on this wallet where you feel a rough edge or notice any sort of poor stitching. Since this is a low volume product, I can see that careful attention to detail was a top priority.
The wallet is essentially two sleeves stitched together, but you wouldn’t notice that just from looking at it from the front or the rear. I only have six plastic cards and one paper card in my current wallet, and this wallet can handle that in each pocket with ease. Having seven cards in each pocket will probably stretch out the wallet permanently, so my seven total cards will still keep it pretty slim with room to grow. That being said, the minimalist design of this wallet makes it more suitable for those who carry less, since this wallet’s whole purpose is form over function.

One thing that confused me was the website description; it says two pockets under the description, but the image next to it says three slim pockets. Technically there is a third, vestigial pocket which is the stitching joining the two main pockets, but it isn’t very useful. It is a great place to put an emergency bill of cash for those instances where cash is king. I was able to fold up a $1 bill into a square and fit it in there.
My main concern with this wallet is to see how durable it is. Will it fall apart? Will it discolor easily? I have made it my daily driver wallet for now, so I will see how it holds up after one month. Stay tuned.