How to Prepare for Apple Vision Pro Pre-Orders.
The Apple Vision Pro Pre-Orders will be on January 19th, starting at 5AM PT. Here are some tips that will make sure your devices are optimized in order to avoid any hiccups on Pre-Order day.
The Apple Vision Pro Pre-Orders will be on January 19th, starting at 5AM PT. Here are some tips that will make sure your devices are optimized in order to avoid any hiccups on Pre-Order day.
This applies to any iPad or iPhone with Face ID, as Face ID is required to pre-order the Vision Pro.
Download the Apple Store App - you will need this app in order to make your pre-order. Apple will require you to scan your face within the app in order to make sure they can provide you with the proper light seal and band size for your head.
If you already have the app, make sure it is up to date since it was recently updated on January 11th to support the face-scanning feature.
Update all your other apps - this is a precautionary step, as it can avoid any potential bugs and glitches from apps that might be unstable and cause phone crashes.
Restart your phone - this will clear the cache, RAM, and give the phone a clean boot that will make it more stable.
Backup your phone to iCloud - go to your iCloud settings and backup your phone so you have a clean backup of your device in case you have any issues during the next step…
Update your device to the latest software version - go to Settings > General > Software Update, and update your iPhone to the latest version.
Upload your eye prescription - if you have glasses or require reading glasses, it would be best to upload your prescription to the health app in advance in order to save time during the pre-order process.
In the Health app, go to “Body Measurements.”
Go to “Vision Prescription,” and follow the prompts to upload your prescription details.
Make sure your Apple Pay works in the Apple Store App - this is the key step, and can be the difference between you getting your Vision Pro on launch day or a few weeks later!
In the past, I have had issues where my address was somehow incorrect, even though I never had that issue before, so I had to adjust my address and re-enter my credit card info in order to make a purchase. Thankfully, I tested that out a day before an iPhone launch, so it didn’t delay my purchase during crunch time.
The best way to do this is to simply make a purchase on the Apple Store App and see if the transaction goes through. You can buy something cheap and cancel the order after it has been placed, but this way you will know for sure that your Apple Pay payment will go through fine on Vision Pro Day. After you have done all of this…
Backup your iPhone once again to iCloud - now you should be ready!
One final bonus tip: re-boot your iPhone before your Pre-Order time an hour or so beforehand, in order to clear any rogue background processes that might cause your phone to crash.